Definition of reassign


phân công lại


The word "reassign" has its roots in the 15th century. It originates from the Old English words "re-" meaning "again" and "assign" meaning "to appoint or determine". Initially, the word "reassign" meant to appoint or assign someone or something again, suggesting a return to an original or previous status. Over time, the meaning evolved to encompass not only reappointing or reassigning someone but also to reclassify, retask, or redistributing responsibilities. Today, the word "reassign" is commonly used in various contexts, including business, technology, and personnel management, to refer to the process of altering an individual's or team's duties, tasks, or roles.


to give somebody a different duty, position or responsibility

giao cho ai đó một nhiệm vụ, vị trí hoặc trách nhiệm khác

  • After his election defeat he was reassigned to the diplomatic service.

    Sau khi thất bại trong cuộc bầu cử, ông được điều động sang ngành ngoại giao.

to give something to a different person or organization; to change the status of something

trao tặng thứ gì đó cho một người hoặc tổ chức khác; thay đổi trạng thái của thứ gì đó

  • The case was reassigned to a different court.

    Vụ án đã được chuyển giao cho một tòa án khác.