Definition of puff




The origins of the word "puff" can be traced back to the Middle English period, around the 14th century. At that time, the term was spelled "pouff" and meant "something that is bloated or distended." One possible source for this word was the Old Norse "puffa," which meant "bladders or intestines that were stuffed with food." This word may have entered the English language through Old Norse-speaking settlers in England, as they established trade and cultural relationships. Another possible source was the Old French "poffe," which meant "bag, money-bag, or pouch." This word may have entered English through the Norman Conquest in 1066, as French became established as the language of the upper classes. In its earliest use, "puff" referred to something that was artificially swollen or distended, such as a grape that had been overripe or a person who had been overeating. Later, in the 16th century, the word came to mean "a pastry or cake that was light and fluffy," likely due to the fact that these baked goods often used air to create their unique texture. Over time, the definition of "puff" continued to evolve, expanding to include "a small cake or biscuit that is light and airy" in the late 17th century, and "to promote or advertise something heavily" in the 19th century. In modern times, "puff" is often associated with flaky, buttery pastries, as well as with items that are promoted heavily through advertising or public relations efforts. Overall, the origin of "puff" is deeply rooted in the history of language and culture, with its meaning evolving alongside the shifting priorities and interests of society.


to be smoking a cigarette, pipe, etc.

hút thuốc lá, tẩu thuốc, v.v.

  • He puffed (away) on his pipe.

    Anh ta rít (đi) trên chiếc tẩu của mình.

  • I sat puffing my cigar.

    Tôi ngồi phì phèo điếu xì gà.

  • She puffed furiously at her cigarette.

    Cô giận dữ rít điếu thuốc.

to make smoke or steam blow out in clouds; to blow out in clouds

làm khói hoặc hơi nước bay lên mây; thổi bay trong mây

  • Chimneys were puffing out clouds of smoke.

    Những ống khói đang phả ra những đám khói.

  • Steam puffed out.

    Hơi nước bốc lên.

to breathe loudly and quickly, especially after you have been running

thở to và nhanh, đặc biệt là sau khi bạn chạy

  • I was starting to puff a little from the climb.

    Tôi bắt đầu hơi thở hổn hển sau khi leo lên.

Extra examples:
  • Far behind us, puffing and blowing, came Matt.

    Xa xa phía sau chúng tôi, Matt đang thở hổn hển và thổi.

  • He came puffing up the hill.

    Anh ta thở hổn hển lên đồi.

  • She was puffing quite hard by the time she reached the office.

    Cô ấy đã thở hổn hển khá khó khăn khi đến văn phòng.

  • She puffed and panted behind the others.

    Cô thở hổn hển và thở hổn hển đằng sau những người khác.

Related words and phrases

to move in a particular direction, sending out small clouds of smoke or steam

di chuyển theo một hướng cụ thể, gửi ra những đám khói hoặc hơi nước nhỏ

  • The train puffed into the station.

    Đoàn tàu lao vút vào ga.


be puffed up with pride, etc.
to be too full of pride, etc.
  • He felt grown-up, puffed up with self-importance.
  • huff and puff
    to breathe in a noisy way because you are very tired
  • Jack was huffing and puffing to keep up with her.
  • to make it obvious that you are annoyed about something without doing anything to change the situation
  • After much huffing and puffing, she finally agreed to help.
  • puff and pant
    to breathe quickly and loudly through your mouth after physical effort
  • Eventually, puffing and panting, he arrived at the gate.