Definition of gasp


thở hổn hển


The origin of the word "gasp" can be traced back to the Middle English language in the 14th century. It comes from the Old English word "ge recipen," which means "to take a deep breath." This initial meaning evolved into "to breathe in suddenly or sharply" in Middle English, which eventually led to the modern-day meaning of "to breathe in with a sudden, loud intake of breath, typically because of surprise, astonishment, or exertion." The exact origin of the word "gasp" is not entirely clear, but some linguists believe it may have derived from the Old Norse word "gops," which means "jerk" or "spasm," due to the sudden and obvious intake of breath that accompanies a gasp. The word may have been introduced into English through contact with Old Norse-speaking Scandinavian invaders during the Viking Age. Throughout history, the word "gasp" has been used in various contexts, from literature and poetry to medicine and psychology. The poet William Shakespeare used the word in his plays, such as "Macbeth" and "Hamlet," while medical texts from the 18th century described "gaping" as a symptom of various illnesses and injuries. Today, the word "gasp" is commonly used in everyday speech to express surprise, shock, or anything else that might cause one to suddenly and loudly intake breath. Whether it's hearing unexpected news, seeing a stunning view, or exerting oneself in physical activity, "gasp" remains a powerful and expressive word that captures the full range of human emotion.


to take a quick deep breath with your mouth open, especially because you are surprised or in pain

hít một hơi thật sâu và mở miệng, đặc biệt là khi bạn ngạc nhiên hoặc đau đớn

  • She gasped at the wonderful view.

    Cô há hốc mồm trước khung cảnh tuyệt vời.

  • They gasped in astonishment at the news.

    Họ há hốc mồm ngạc nhiên trước tin này.

  • ‘What was that noise?’ he gasped.

    “Tiếng ồn đó là gì vậy?” anh thở hổn hển.

Extra examples:
  • The cold made her gasp.

    Cái lạnh làm cô thở hổn hển.

  • Denis almost gasped aloud in astonishment.

    Denis gần như há hốc mồm vì kinh ngạc.

  • She gasped at his boldness.

    Cô thở hổn hển trước sự táo bạo của anh.

  • She was gasping with pain.

    Cô ấy đang thở hổn hển vì đau đớn.

to have difficulty breathing or speaking

khó thở hoặc nói

  • He came to the surface of the water gasping for air.

    Anh ngoi lên mặt nước thở hổn hển.

  • She managed to gasp out her name.

    Cô cố gắng thốt ra tên mình.

  • ‘Can't breathe,’ he gasped.

    “Không thể thở được,” anh thở hổn hển.

to want or need something very badly, especially a drink or a cigarette

muốn hoặc cần một cái gì đó rất tệ, đặc biệt là đồ uống hoặc thuốc lá

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