Definition of lightly


nhẹ nhàng


Definition of undefined

"Lightly" originates from the Old English word "līhtlice," meaning "easily," "quickly," or "without effort." This word is a combination of "līht," meaning "light," and the suffix "-lice," indicating manner. Over time, "līhtlice" evolved into "lightly," retaining the sense of ease and lack of weight. While the word now also conveys a sense of gentleness or delicacy, it ultimately traces back to the ancient concept of something being "light" in terms of weight or effort.


gently; with very little force or effort

dịu dàng; với rất ít lực hoặc nỗ lực

  • He kissed her lightly on the cheek.

    Anh hôn nhẹ lên má cô.

  • She ran lightly up the stairs.

    Cô chạy nhẹ lên cầu thang.

to a small degree; not much

ở mức độ nhỏ; không nhiều

  • It began to snow lightly.

    Trời bắt đầu có tuyết rơi nhẹ.

  • She tended to sleep lightly nowadays (= it was easy to disturb her).

    Ngày nay cô ấy có xu hướng ngủ nhẹ nhàng (= rất dễ làm phiền cô ấy).

  • I try to eat lightly (= not to eat heavy or greasy food).

    Tôi cố gắng ăn nhẹ (= không ăn thức ăn nặng hoặc nhiều dầu mỡ).

in a way that sounds as though you are not particularly worried or interested

theo cách có vẻ như bạn không đặc biệt lo lắng hay quan tâm

  • ‘I'll be all right,’ he said lightly.

    “Tôi sẽ ổn thôi,” anh nói nhẹ nhàng.

Related words and phrases

without being seriously considered

mà không được xem xét nghiêm túc

  • This is not a problem we should take lightly.

    Đây không phải là một vấn đề chúng ta nên xem nhẹ.

  • Such fears should not be dismissed lightly.

    Những nỗi sợ hãi như vậy không nên bị loại bỏ một cách nhẹ nhàng.


get off/be let off lightly
(informal)to be punished or treated in a way that is less severe than you deserve or may have expected
  • He got off lightly with a small fine.
  • The children were let off lightly.