Definition of insistently


nhất quyết


The word "insistently" has its roots in 15th-century Latin. It comes from the words "in" meaning "on" or "against" and "sistere" meaning "to stand". In Latin, the phrase "insistere" means "to stand on" or "to stand against". This phrase was later adopted into Middle English as "insist" and carried the meaning of persisting or continuing to make demands or pressure. Over time, the prefix "ins-" was added to form the adverb "insistently", meaning in a persistent or unwavering manner. Today, "insistently" is used to describe something that is done with great persistence or stubbornness, often in the face of opposition or resistance.


in a way that demands something and refuses to accept any opposition or excuses

theo cách đòi hỏi điều gì đó và từ chối chấp nhận bất kỳ sự phản đối hoặc lời bào chữa nào

  • They insistently refused to accept any cash compensation.

    Họ kiên quyết từ chối nhận bất kỳ khoản bồi thường bằng tiền mặt nào.

in a way that continues for a long time and cannot be ignored

theo cách tiếp tục trong một thời gian dài và không thể bỏ qua

  • He tried to ignore his insistently ringing phone.

    Anh cố gắng lờ đi tiếng chuông điện thoại liên tục reo.