Definition of unrelentingly


không ngớt


"Unrelentingly" is a combination of two words: * **"Un-"**: This prefix means "not" or "the opposite of". * **"Relent"**: This word stems from the Old French "relendir," meaning "to slacken, to become less firm." Therefore, "unrelenting" means "not slackening, not becoming less firm." It describes something that continues without easing up, stopping, or weakening.


without stopping or becoming less severe

không dừng lại hoặc trở nên ít nghiêm trọng hơn

  • The rain beat unrelentingly down.

    Cơn mưa trút xuống không ngớt.

  • Her face remained unrelentingly severe.

    Sắc mặt cô vẫn nghiêm nghị không ngớt.

Related words and phrases

without stopping or considering the feelings of other people

không dừng lại hoặc xem xét cảm xúc của người khác

  • He was teased unrelentingly at school.

    Anh ấy bị trêu chọc không ngừng ở trường.

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