Definition of sternly


nghiêm khắc


The word "sternly" traces its roots back to the Old English word "steorra," meaning "star." This eventually evolved into "steorne," meaning "firm, strong, or fixed." The word then took on a more figurative sense, referring to a rigid or unyielding demeanor. By the 14th century, "stern" had become synonymous with severity and seriousness, and "sternly" emerged as an adverb describing this quality. So, "sternly" ultimately originates from an ancient word for "star," connecting its meaning to the steadfastness and unyielding nature of celestial bodies.


in a serious way that often shows that you do not approve of somebody/something; in a way that shows you expect somebody to obey you

một cách nghiêm túc thường thể hiện rằng bạn không tán thành ai/cái gì; theo cách cho thấy bạn mong đợi ai đó tuân theo bạn

  • ‘This’, she said sternly, ‘is what we believe.’

    “Đây,” cô nói nghiêm khắc, “là điều chúng tôi tin tưởng.”

  • a sternly worded letter

    một lá thư có lời lẽ nghiêm khắc

in a serious and difficult way

một cách nghiêm túc và khó khăn

  • They were sternly tested by the opposing team.

    Họ đã bị đội đối phương thử thách một cách nghiêm khắc.