Definition of infect


nhiễm, tiêm nhiễm, đầu độc, lan truyền


Definition of undefined

The word "infect" originates from the Latin word "infectare," which means "to taint" or "to pollute." In the 14th century, the word "infect" was borrowed into Middle English, initially meaning "to corrupt" or "to spoil." Over time, its meaning shifted to focus on the spread of disease, particularly in the 17th century during the Black Death. In the 18th century, the word gained its modern sense, referring to the introduction of microorganisms into the body, which can cause disease. In the context of biology, "infect" literally means "to bring into contact with" or "to introduce into," referring to the transmission of pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses, or fungi, from one organism to another. Today, the word "infect" is commonly used in various fields, including medicine, biology, and epidemiology, to describe the process of disease transmission and spread.


to make a disease or an illness spread to a person, an animal or a plant

làm cho một căn bệnh hoặc căn bệnh lây lan sang người, động vật hoặc thực vật

  • It is not possible to infect another person through kissing.

    Không thể lây nhiễm cho người khác qua nụ hôn.

  • people infected with HIV

    người nhiễm HIV

to make a substance contain harmful bacteria that can spread disease

để làm cho một chất có chứa vi khuẩn có hại có thể lây lan bệnh

  • The eggs were infected with salmonella.

    Trứng bị nhiễm khuẩn salmonella.

Related words and phrases

to make a computer virus spread to another computer or program

làm cho virus máy tính lây lan sang máy tính hoặc chương trình khác

to make somebody share a particular feeling

làm cho ai đó chia sẻ một cảm giác cụ thể

  • She infected the children with her enthusiasm for music.

    Cô đã truyền cho bọn trẻ niềm đam mê âm nhạc của mình.

  • The whole room was soon infected by his laughter.

    Cả căn phòng nhanh chóng bị lây nhiễm bởi tiếng cười của anh.