Definition of guru


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The word "guru" originated in the Sanskrit language, which is primarily spoken in India and Nepal. In Sanskrit, "guru" means "teacher" or "one who removes ignorance." The concept of a guru is deeply ingrained in the traditional Hindu and Buddhist cultural heritage. In these belief systems, a guru is not just an instructor but also a spiritual guide, mentor, and friend. This relationship is based on complete trust, respect, and devotion from the student or disciple. The Sanskrit word "guru" is a composite term, made up of two root words: "gu" meaning "darkness," ignorance, or negativity, and "ru" meaning "remover" or "dispenser." Therefore, a guru is one who removes or illuminates ignorance and negativity, ultimately leading the student towards wisdom and enlightenment. The significance of the guru-disciple relationship can be traced back to ancient Indian texts such as the Rigveda, the Upanishads, and the Bhagavad Gita. In these texts, the guru is portrayed as a divine figure, a source of infinite wisdom, and a bridge between the human and divine realms. In conclusion, the word "guru" derives from the Sanskrit roots "gu" and "ru," meaning "remover of ignorance." The concept of a guru has its origins in the traditional Hindu and Buddhist cultures, where a guru is not just an instructor but also a spiritual guide, mentor, and friend. The guru-disciple relationship is based on trust, respect, and devotion, and is an essential aspect of these belief systems.


a Hindu or Sikh religious teacher or leader

một giáo viên hoặc nhà lãnh đạo tôn giáo Hindu hoặc Sikh

a person who is an expert on a particular subject or who is very good at doing something

một người là một chuyên gia về một chủ đề cụ thể hoặc người rất giỏi làm việc gì đó

  • a management/health/fashion, etc. guru

    một chuyên gia về quản lý/sức khỏe/thời trang, v.v.

  • Jean-Paul Sartre was the guru of post-war French philosophy.

    Jean-Paul Sartre là bậc thầy về triết học Pháp thời hậu chiến.

  • Libby Purves meets the woman who’s become the guru of children’s television.

    Libby Purves gặp người phụ nữ trở thành chuyên gia truyền hình dành cho trẻ em.

  • Most management gurus base their appeal on one big theme.

    Hầu hết các chuyên gia quản lý đều đưa ra lời kêu gọi của họ dựa trên một chủ đề lớn.