Definition of mantra


thần chú


The word "mantra" originates from the Sanskrit language and is derived from the root "mantrayati," which means "to think" or "to chant." In Hinduism and Buddhism, a mantra is a word or sound that is repeated during meditation or ritual practices to help the practitioner focus their mind, calm their thoughts, and connect with a higher power. The repetition of a mantra is believed to have a transformative effect on the mind and body, leading to increased awareness, clarity, and inner peace. The word "mantra" was first introduced to Western audiences by British colonialists in the 19th century, and since then it has been widely adopted as a term in Eastern spiritual practices and later in Western spirituality and self-help circles.


a word, phrase or sound that is repeated again and again, especially during prayer or meditation

một từ, cụm từ hoặc âm thanh được lặp đi lặp lại, đặc biệt là trong khi cầu nguyện hoặc thiền định

  • a Buddhist mantra

    một câu thần chú Phật giáo

a statement or slogan that is often repeated

một tuyên bố hoặc khẩu hiệu thường được lặp lại

  • the environmental mantra of ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’

    câu thần chú về môi trường là 'giảm thiểu, tái sử dụng, tái chế'