Definition of combustion


sự đốt cháy


The word "combustion" has its roots in Latin. "Combustus" means "burned" or "set on fire", and it is derived from the verb "comburi", which means "to burn". The Latin term "combustio" originally referred to the act of burning or the state of being on fire. The word was borrowed into Middle English as "combustion", and its meaning expanded to include the chemical reaction between a fuel and an oxidizer, resulting in the release of heat and light. This sense of the word has been the dominant one since the 15th century. Today, the term "combustion" is widely used in fields such as chemistry, physics, and engineering to describe the process of burning fuels, including fossil fuels, biomass, and other combustible materials.


the process of burning

quá trình đốt cháy

  • Poisonous gases are produced during fossil fuel combustion.

    Khí độc được sinh ra trong quá trình đốt cháy nhiên liệu hóa thạch.

Related words and phrases

a chemical process in which substances combine with the oxygen in the air to produce heat and light

một quá trình hóa học trong đó các chất kết hợp với oxy trong không khí để tạo ra nhiệt và ánh sáng

  • The ratio must be correct in order to achieve complete combustion.

    Tỷ lệ phải chính xác để đạt được sự đốt cháy hoàn toàn.