Definition of ignition


đánh lửa


The word "ignition" originated in the mid-19th century from the Latin word "ignis," which means "fire." The French word for ignition, "allumage," was adopted by scientists in the late 1800s to describe the process by which a fuel-air mixture is set on fire in engines. The English variation, "ignition," became popular in the early 1900s as automobiles and airplanes began to rely more heavily on internal combustion engines. Today, the word "ignition" is commonly used to describe the process by which a controlled explosion is initiated in various types of engines, including gasoline, diesel, and jet engines. It is also used in scientific contexts to describe the process by which a chemical reaction is initiated through the application of heat or another form of energy.


the electrical system of a vehicle that makes the fuel begin to burn to start the engine; the place in a vehicle where you start this system

hệ thống điện của xe làm cho nhiên liệu bắt đầu cháy để khởi động động cơ; vị trí trong xe nơi bạn khởi động hệ thống này

  • to turn the ignition on/off

    để bật/tắt đánh lửa

  • to put the key in the ignition

    tra chìa khóa vào ổ điện

the action of starting to burn or of making something burn

hành động bắt đầu cháy hoặc làm cho thứ gì đó cháy

  • The flames spread to all parts of the house within minutes of ignition.

    Ngọn lửa lan sang mọi nơi trong ngôi nhà chỉ sau vài phút bốc cháy.

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