Definition of blacken




The word "blacken" originates from the Old English word "blacian," which means "to make black." "Blacian" is itself derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*blakjan," also meaning "to make black." This connection to "black" is evident in the word's structure; "blacken" is formed by adding the suffix "-en" to the root word "black." The word "blacken" has been used in English for centuries, and its meaning has remained consistent throughout its history.


to make something black; to become black

làm cho thứ gì đó có màu đen; trở thành màu đen

  • Their faces were blackened with soot.

    Khuôn mặt của họ đen kịt vì bồ hóng.

  • Smoke had blackened the walls.

    Khói đã làm đen các bức tường.

  • rows of blackened teeth

    hàng răng đen

  • There was a row of brick houses, blackened by smoke.

    Có một dãy nhà gạch, đen kịt vì khói.

  • The fruit blackens and spoils rather quickly.

    Quả chuyển sang màu đen và hư hỏng khá nhanh.

to say unpleasant things that give people a bad opinion of somebody

nói những điều khó chịu khiến mọi người có ý kiến ​​xấu về ai đó

  • He accused the newspaper of trying to blacken his name.

    Ông cáo buộc tờ báo đang cố bôi nhọ tên tuổi của mình.