Definition of stain


vết bẩn


The word "stain" originated in the mid-14th century from the Old French stainer, which came from the Latin stāngere, meaning "to soil" or "to stain." This Latin root can be traced back to the Proto-Indo-European (PIE) stern-, a suffix meaning "marked" or "stained." The original meaning of stain in English, derived from this root, was to soil or strew with dirt or impurity. By the 15th century, the meaning of the word had expanded to include the sense of a discolored spot on a surface caused by dye or pigment. The verb form of stain, "to stain," originally meant "to soil" as well, but by the late 14th century, it had come to mean specifically "to color with stain" or "to dye." In modern usage, the term "stain" is still used to refer to a discolored mark or spot on a surface, as well as a dye or pigment used in various materials or processes, such as woodworking or printing. The underlying meaning of "to color" or "to mark" persists in these uses.


to leave a mark that is difficult to remove on something; to be marked in this way

để lại dấu vết khó xóa trên vật gì đó; được đánh dấu theo cách này

  • I hope it doesn't stain the carpet.

    Tôi hy vọng nó không làm bẩn thảm.

  • This carpet stains easily.

    Tấm thảm này dễ bị ố.

  • The juice from the berries stained their fingers red.

    Nước ép từ quả mọng nhuộm đỏ ngón tay của họ.

Extra examples:
  • The children's fingers were stained purple with blackberry juice.

    Những ngón tay của bọn trẻ bị nhuộm tím vì nước ép mâm xôi.

  • The shirt was heavily stained with blood.

    Chiếc áo dính đầy máu.

to change the colour of something using a coloured liquid

để thay đổi màu sắc của một cái gì đó bằng cách sử dụng một chất lỏng màu

  • to stain wood

    làm ố gỗ

  • Stain the specimen before looking at it under the microscope.

    Nhuộm mẫu trước khi nhìn dưới kính hiển vi.

  • They stained the floors dark brown.

    Họ nhuộm sàn nhà màu nâu sẫm.

  • The floors had been stained dark brown.

    Sàn nhà đã nhuộm màu nâu sẫm.

to damage the opinion that people have of something

làm hỏng quan điểm của mọi người về điều gì đó

  • The events had stained the city's reputation unfairly.

    Các sự kiện đã làm hoen ố danh tiếng của thành phố một cách không công bằng.

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