Definition of coal


than đá


Definition of undefined

The word "coal" has its roots in Old English. The term "col" or "cul" referred to charcoal, which was made by burning wood or other organic materials. Over time, the term "col" evolved into "coal", likely due to the similarity in appearance between charcoal and the fossilized remains of ancient plants that we now call coal. In Middle English (circa 11th-15th centuries), the word "coal" was first used to describe the fossilized carbon-rich sedimentary rock that we know today. This was likely a result of the increasing use of coal as a fuel source during the Middle Ages. By the 16th century, the term "coal" was widely used to describe not only the fossil fuel, but also the act of burning it for heat or power. Today, the word "coal" is used globally to describe this important natural resource.


a hard black mineral that is found below the ground and burnt to produce heat

một khoáng chất cứng màu đen được tìm thấy dưới mặt đất và bị đốt cháy để tạo ra nhiệt

  • I put more coal on the fire.

    Tôi đổ thêm than vào lửa.

  • a lump of coal

    một khối than đá

  • coal mining

    khai thác than

  • She sat by the coal fire in the kitchen.

    Cô ngồi bên đống lửa than trong bếp.

  • Plans were being drawn up for the privatization of the coal industry.

    Các kế hoạch đã được vạch ra để tư nhân hóa ngành than.

  • These men had spent their lives breathing coal dust.

    Những người đàn ông này đã dành cả cuộc đời mình để hít thở bụi than.

Extra examples:
  • There are substantial reserves of methane gas trapped in coal seams in the area.

    Có trữ lượng đáng kể khí metan bị mắc kẹt trong các vỉa than trong khu vực.

  • opencast coal mining

    khai thác than lộ thiên

  • Put some more coal on the fire.

    Đổ thêm than vào lửa.

a piece of coal, especially one that is burning

một cục than, đặc biệt là cục than đang cháy

  • A hot coal fell out of the fire and burnt the carpet.

    Một cục than nóng rơi ra khỏi lửa và đốt cháy tấm thảm.

  • Red-hot coals glowed in the fireplace.

    Những hòn than đỏ rực trong lò sưởi.


carry, take, etc. coals to Newcastle
(British English)to take goods to a place where there are already plenty of them; to supply something where it is not needed
haul somebody over the coals
to criticize somebody severely because they have done something wrong
  • I was hauled over the coals by my boss for being late.