Definition of authenticate


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The word "authenticate" originates from the Latin words "authentem," meaning "genuine," and "-icate," a suffix indicating a process or action. The term was first coined in the 15th century and initially meant "to attest or confirm the genuineness of something." Over time, the meaning of "authenticate" expanded to include verifying or proving the identity, accuracy, or legitimacy of information, documents, or data. In the 17th century, the word acquired a more formal tone and was often used in the context of authentication of documents, such as passports and credentials. The digital age has further influenced the evolution of the word, with "authenticate" now commonly used in IT and cybersecurity contexts to describe the process of validating digital identities, passwords, and access controls. Today, "authenticate" is widely used across various industries, including security, business, and academia, to convey the process of verifying the truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of an entity or information.


to prove that something is real, true or what somebody claims it is

để chứng minh rằng cái gì đó là có thật, đúng sự thật hoặc những gì ai đó tuyên bố nó là

  • The letter has been authenticated by handwriting experts.

    Bức thư đã được chứng thực bởi các chuyên gia về chữ viết.

  • Experts have authenticated the writing as that of Byron himself.

    Các chuyên gia đã xác thực văn bản này là của chính Byron.

to have your identity checked

để kiểm tra danh tính của bạn

  • Users must authenticate with their credentials to gain access to the internet.

    Người dùng phải xác thực bằng thông tin đăng nhập của họ để có quyền truy cập vào internet.