Definition of legitimize


hợp pháp hóa


The word "legitimize" originates from the Latin words "legitimus" and "legitimare". "Legitimus" means "lawful" or " valid", and "legitimare" means "to make lawful". The term "legitimize" was first used in the 14th century to mean "to make lawful or legitimate". Over time, its meaning expanded to include the idea of giving formal recognition or validity to something, such as a government, institution, or claim. In a broader sense, legitimizing something means to give it a sense of authority, moral rightness, or social acceptability. This can be achieved through various means, such as legal recognition, public endorsement, or critical acclaim. Throughout history, the concept of legitimization has played a significant role in shaping power structures, social norms, and cultural values.


to make something that is wrong or unfair seem acceptable

làm cho điều gì đó sai trái hoặc bất công có vẻ chấp nhận được

  • The movie has been criticized for apparently legitimizing violence.

    Bộ phim đã bị chỉ trích vì dường như hợp pháp hóa bạo lực.

to make something legal

làm cho cái gì đó trở nên hợp pháp

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