Definition of absence


sự vắng mặt


Definition of undefined

The word "absence" has its roots in Latin. In Latin, the word "absentia" refers to the state of being away or absent. This Latin term is derived from the prefix "abs-", which means "away from", and the suffix "-entia", which forms a noun indicating a state or condition. The Latin word "absentia" was borrowed into Middle English as "absence", and has been used in the English language since the 14th century to refer to the state of being away or not present. For example, a person's "absence" might refer to a period of time during which they are not present or accounted for. Over time, the connotation of the word "absence" has expanded to include not just physical absence, but also emotional or spiritual absence, as well as the absence of something intangible, such as a quality or characteristic.


the fact of somebody being away from a place where they are usually expected to be; the occasion or period of time when somebody is away

thực tế là ai đó đang rời xa nơi mà họ thường phải đến; dịp hoặc khoảng thời gian khi ai đó đi vắng

  • The decision was made in my absence (= while I was not there).

    Quyết định được đưa ra khi tôi vắng mặt (= trong khi tôi không có mặt ở đó).

  • We did not receive any news during his long absence.

    Chúng tôi không nhận được tin tức gì trong thời gian dài vắng mặt của anh ấy.

  • absence from work

    vắng mặt ở nơi làm việc

  • repeated absences from school

    nghỉ học nhiều lần

Extra examples:
  • Ann chaired the meeting in Kate's absence.

    Ann chủ trì cuộc họp khi Kate vắng mặt.

  • Nobody had noticed her absence.

    Không ai nhận thấy sự vắng mặt của cô.

  • You will not be paid for the full period of absence.

    Bạn sẽ không được trả lương cho toàn bộ thời gian vắng mặt.

  • Your son has had too many absences from school.

    Con trai của bạn đã nghỉ học quá nhiều.

Related words and phrases

the fact of somebody/something not existing or not being available; a lack of something

sự thật về ai đó/cái gì đó không tồn tại hoặc không có sẵn; thiếu một cái gì đó

  • I was surprised by the absence of any women on the board of directors.

    Tôi rất ngạc nhiên vì sự vắng mặt của bất kỳ phụ nữ nào trong ban giám đốc.

  • The case was dismissed in the absence of any definite proof.

    Vụ án đã bị bác bỏ do không có bằng chứng rõ ràng.

Extra examples:
  • In the absence of stone, most houses in the area are built of wood.

    Do không có đá nên hầu hết nhà ở trong vùng đều được xây bằng gỗ.

  • a conspicuous absence of evidence

    sự vắng mặt rõ ràng của bằng chứng


absence makes the heart grow fonder
(saying)used to say that when you are away from somebody that you love, you love them even more
conspicuous by your absence
not present in a situation or place, when it is obvious that you should be there
  • The meeting went well but Nigel was conspicuous by his absence.