Definition of omission


bỏ sót


The noun "omission" is derived from the Latin verb "omissus," which means "left out" or "unwritten." The word became part of the English language through the influence of Latin on medieval scholars in Europe. The Latin preposition "ob" (meaning "off") was combined with the past participle form of "missus" (meaning "sent") to form the word "obmiissus," which originally meant "a sending away or leaving out." Over time, the word evolved and came to signify the simple act of leaving something out or failing to include it. The modern English word "omission" comes from the Middle French "omissioun," which was formed by combining the Latin "ob" and "missus" with the French suffix "ioun." In Middle French, "omissioun" was used to mean "a neglecting or failing to include something." By the 16th century, the word "omission" had already appeared in English texts, where it was used to refer to things that had been intentionally left out or overlooked. The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) cites its first recorded usage in Thomas Becon's work "The Jester" from 1557, where it is used to describe the neglect of certain biblical passages. Today, the term "omission" is commonly used in various fields, such as law, literature, and medicine, to describe the failure to include something necessary or essential. It can refer to missing information or actions that have a significant impact on the outcome of a situation, making it an important concept in many areas of study and practice.


the act of not including somebody/something or not doing something; the fact of not being included or done

hành động không bao gồm ai/cái gì hoặc không làm điều gì đó; thực tế là không được bao gồm hoặc thực hiện

  • Everyone was surprised at her omission from the squad.

    Mọi người đều ngạc nhiên trước sự vắng mặt của cô ấy khỏi đội.

  • The play was shortened by the omission of two scenes.

    Vở kịch bị rút ngắn do lược bỏ hai cảnh.

  • sins of omission (= not doing things that should be done)

    tội thiếu sót (= không làm những việc nên làm)

Extra examples:
  • Several offences such as manslaughter may be committed by omission.

    Một số hành vi phạm tội như ngộ sát có thể được thực hiện do thiếu sót.

  • The accident was not caused by any act or omission of the gas company.

    Vụ tai nạn không phải do bất kỳ hành động hay thiếu sót nào của công ty gas.

  • the omission of the author's name

    thiếu tên tác giả

a thing that has not been included or done

một điều chưa được bao gồm hoặc thực hiện

  • There were a number of errors and omissions in the article.

    Trong bài viết còn có một số sai sót và thiếu sót.

Extra examples:
  • I feel compelled to point out two omissions.

    Tôi cảm thấy cần phải chỉ ra hai điểm còn thiếu sót.

  • I notice one glaring omission from your list.

    Tôi nhận thấy có một thiếu sót rõ ràng trong danh sách của bạn.