Definition of stationary


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The word "stationary" has a fascinating history. It originated in the mid-16th century from the Latin words "statio," meaning "a standing" or "a stay," and the suffix "-ary," which forms an adjective. Initially, the word referred to things that remained in one place or position, such as a stationary trade or a stationary fortune. Over time, the meaning of the word evolved to include objects that did not move or were fixed in one place, like a stationary engine or a stationary bike. Today, the word "stationary" has multiple meanings, including both literal and figurative uses. Whether referring to a physical object or a state of being, the word "stationary" has become an integral part of the English language. Would you like to know more about the evolution of words or do you have a specific topic in mind? I'm here to help!


not moving; not intended to be moved

không di chuyển; không có ý định di chuyển

  • I remained stationary.

    Tôi vẫn đứng yên.

  • The car collided with a stationary vehicle.

    Chiếc ô tô va chạm với một chiếc xe đang đứng yên.

  • a stationary exercise bike

    một chiếc xe đạp tập thể dục cố định

  • I walked down one of the stationary escalators.

    Tôi bước xuống một trong những thang cuốn cố định.

  • Some of the larger birds can remain stationary in the air for several minutes.

    Một số loài chim lớn hơn có thể đứng yên trong không khí trong vài phút.

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not changing in condition or quantity

không thay đổi về tình trạng hoặc số lượng

  • a stationary population

    dân số cố định

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