Definition of rooted


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The word "rooted" has its origin in the Old English word "rōt," which means "root" or "foundation." This word was derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*rōtiz," which is also related to the Proto-Indo-European root "*reud-," meaning "to grow" or "to flourish." In Middle English (circa 1100-1500), the word "rooted" emerged as a past participle of the verb "to root," which meant "to fix or attach" something to a place or foundation. Over time, the meaning of "rooted" expanded to include the sense of being established, fixed, or deeply rooted in a particular place or idea. Today, the word "rooted" is often used figuratively to describe a person who is strongly connected to their community, culture, or values, or to describe something that is firmly established or deeply rooted in a particular concept or principle.


developing from or being strongly influenced by something

phát triển từ hoặc bị ảnh hưởng mạnh mẽ bởi cái gì đó

  • His problems are deeply rooted in his childhood experiences.

    Những vấn đề của anh ấy bắt nguồn sâu xa từ những trải nghiệm thời thơ ấu.

fixed in one place; not moving or changing

cố định tại một nơi; không di chuyển hoặc thay đổi

  • She was rooted to her chair.

    Cô ấy đứng im trên ghế.

  • Their life is rooted in Chicago now.

    Cuộc sống của họ hiện tại gắn liền với Chicago.

  • Life in the countryside remained firmly rooted in the past.

    Cuộc sống ở nông thôn vẫn bám chặt vào quá khứ.

  • Racism is still deeply rooted in our society.

    Chủ nghĩa phân biệt chủng tộc vẫn còn ăn sâu vào xã hội chúng ta.

extremely tired

cực kỳ mệt mỏi

too old or broken to use

quá cũ hoặc hỏng không sử dụng được


glued/riveted/rooted to the spot
not able to move, for example because you are frightened or surprised
  • I stood rooted to the spot with terror.