Definition of sortie


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The word "sortie" originated in medieval French and was originally used to describe a military expedition or sally out of a besieged city or fortress. The exact meaning of the word can be traced back to the Old French word "sortir," which means "to come out" or "to exit." In military contexts, a sortie refers to a deliberate military operation carried out by forces inside a fortified position, with the aim of engaging enemy forces and disrupting their operations. This term is commonly associated with World War I and World War II, when it became common for German forces to mount sorties against Allied forces during sieges. The modern definition of the term has since expanded beyond military contexts, and it is now commonly used in business and technology to denote the process of organizing, categorizing, or arranging items or data in a particular order or classification system. In this context, a sortie is often seen as a way of making data more manageable and improving its overall usability and efficiency. Overall, the word "sortie" has undergone a transformation from its origins as a military term to a broader and more versatile term that reflects the changing situations and needs of different fields and industries.


a flight that is made by an aircraft during military operations; an attack made by soldiers

chuyến bay được thực hiện bởi máy bay trong quá trình hoạt động quân sự; một cuộc tấn công được thực hiện bởi những người lính

  • a bombing sortie

    một cuộc ném bom

  • They had made several sorties against enemy troops.

    Họ đã thực hiện một số cuộc xuất kích chống lại quân địch.

  • He led his platoon in a sortie against the enemy.

    Anh dẫn đầu trung đội của mình xuất kích chống lại kẻ thù.

Related words and phrases

a short trip away from your home or the place where you are

một chuyến đi ngắn xa nhà bạn hoặc nơi bạn đang ở

  • I went on a shopping sortie with my mother.

    Tôi đi mua sắm cùng mẹ.

Related words and phrases

an effort that you make to do or join something new

một nỗ lực mà bạn thực hiện để làm hoặc tham gia một cái gì đó mới

  • His first sortie into politics was unsuccessful.

    Lần đầu tiên ông dấn thân vào chính trị đã không thành công.

Related words and phrases