Definition of deployment


triển khai


The word "deployment" originates from the Latin phrase "_departio," meaning "a carrying away" or "a removal." In the military context, it refers to the act of sending troops or equipment to a particular location or region for a specific mission or operation. The term was first used in the 14th century to describe the movement of armies or troops from one place to another. Over time, it became associated with business and technology, referring to the process of releasing a product or service to the market, or introducing a new feature or update to a system. In modern usage, the term "deployment" encompasses a broader range of meanings, including the launch of a website, the release of a software update, or even the deployment of resources or personnel in a non-military context. Despite its evolution, the core meaning of "deployment" remains rooted in the idea of moving or sending something to a new location or destination.


the act of moving soldiers or weapons into a position where they are ready for military action

hành động di chuyển binh lính hoặc vũ khí vào vị trí sẵn sàng cho hành động quân sự

  • the deployment of peacekeeping forces

    việc triển khai lực lượng gìn giữ hòa bình

  • troop deployments

    triển khai quân đội

the act of using something effectively

hành động sử dụng cái gì đó một cách hiệu quả

  • the deployment of resources/staff

    việc triển khai nguồn lực/nhân sự