Definition of woeful


không may


The word "woeful" originated from the Old English word "woful," which combined the words "wa" (meaning "woe" or "grief") and "ful" (meaning "full"). "Woful" originally meant "full of woe" or "filled with sorrow." Over time, it evolved into the adjective we know today, meaning "characterized by sorrow, misery, or distress." Its origins are rooted in the deeply human experience of grief and suffering, reflecting a long history of expressing emotional hardship through language.


very bad or serious; that you disapprove of

rất xấu hoặc nghiêm trọng; mà bạn không đồng ý

  • She displayed a woeful ignorance of the rules.

    Cô ấy thể hiện sự thiếu hiểu biết đáng tiếc về các quy tắc.

Related words and phrases

very sad

rất buồn

  • a woeful face

    một khuôn mặt khốn khổ

  • woeful tales of broken romances

    những câu chuyện buồn về mối tình tan vỡ