Definition of grief


nỗi buồn


The origin of the word "grief" can be traced back to the Old English word "grytan," which meant "to press or squeeze tightly." This root word is evident in the Middle English word "greef," which meant "distress or affliction." The modern English word "grief" derives from the Middle English word "greef" and originally referred to physical pain or distress, as well as sorrow and lamentation for the dead. The meaning of the word evolved over time, particularly during the Renaissance, when it began to be used primarily to describe emotional suffering and bereavement. The old meaning of the word "grief" - to squeeze or press tightly - reveals something about the intense emotions of grief that many people experience. It suggests a strange kind of pressure that builds within a person as they mourn, a feeling of being crushed by loss and sadness. Nevertheless, the word also implies that grief can be something that is overcome over time, as the pressure eventually lessens and the person is able to find some measure of peace.


a very sad feeling, especially when somebody dies

một cảm giác rất buồn, đặc biệt là khi ai đó chết

  • She was overcome with grief when her husband died.

    Bà đau khổ tột cùng khi chồng qua đời.

  • They were able to share their common joys and griefs.

    Họ đã có thể chia sẻ những niềm vui và nỗi buồn chung.

  • her grief for her dead husband

    nỗi đau buồn của cô dành cho người chồng đã chết

  • grief over the loss of friends

    đau buồn vì mất đi bạn bè

  • He could not hide his grief at her death.

    Anh không thể giấu được nỗi đau buồn trước cái chết của cô.

Extra examples:
  • He feels that he can't share his grief with anyone.

    Anh ấy cảm thấy mình không thể chia sẻ nỗi buồn của mình với bất kỳ ai.

  • Her parents were stricken with grief.

    Cha mẹ cô đau khổ tột cùng.

  • I felt awkward at intruding on their private grief.

    Tôi cảm thấy lúng túng khi xâm phạm vào nỗi đau riêng tư của họ.

  • She understood my grief because she too had lost a child.

    Cô ấy hiểu nỗi đau của tôi vì cô ấy cũng đã mất một đứa con.

  • They are still struggling to come to terms with their grief.

    Họ vẫn đang cố gắng vượt qua nỗi đau của mình.

  • grief over the loss of a friend's life

    đau buồn vì mất đi một người bạn

something that makes you feel very sad

điều gì đó khiến bạn cảm thấy rất buồn

  • It was a grief to them that they had no children.

    Thật đau buồn cho họ khi họ không có con.

problems and worry

vấn đề và lo lắng

  • He caused his parents a lot of grief.

    Anh đã gây ra cho bố mẹ rất nhiều đau buồn.

  • Such behaviour can cause considerable grief.

    Hành vi như vậy có thể gây ra đau buồn đáng kể.

Related words and phrases


come to grief
to end in total failure
  • All his schemes for making money seem to come to grief.
  • to be harmed in an accident
  • Several pedestrians came to grief on the icy pavement.
  • give somebody grief (about/over something)
    (informal)to be annoyed with somebody and criticize their behaviour
    good grief!
    (informal)used to express surprise or shock
  • Good grief! What a mess!