Definition of slyly


một cách ranh mãnh


The word "slyly" has its roots in Old English and Middle English. It is derived from the word "slīġ", which means "cunning" or "wily". In Old English, "slīġ" was used to describe someone who was clever or cunning, often in a sneaky or deceitful way. By the 14th century, the adjective "sly" emerged, meaning "cunning, clever, or deceitful". The adverb form "slyly" developed around the same time, meaning "in a sly or cunning manner". Over time, the connotation of "slyly" shifted to include negative associations with sneaky or underhanded behavior. Today, "slyly" is often used to describe someone's actions or behavior as being deceitful, manipulative, or secretive. For example, "She handled the situation slyly, never revealing her true intentions."


in a secret or dishonest way, often intending to trick people

một cách bí mật hoặc không trung thực, thường có ý định lừa người

  • Ministers slyly entered into a deal exchanging the prisoner for oil.

    Các vị bộ trưởng đã khôn ngoan ký vào một thỏa thuận trao đổi tù nhân lấy dầu.

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in a way that suggests that you know something secret that other people do not know

theo cách gợi ý rằng bạn biết điều gì đó bí mật mà người khác không biết

  • He glanced at her slyly.

    Anh liếc nhìn cô một cách ranh mãnh.

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