Definition of knowingly


cố ý


"Knowingly" traces its roots back to Old English "cnawan," meaning "to know." Over time, it evolved to "knowen" and "knowing," with the "-ly" suffix added to form the adverb "knowingly" around the 14th century. The "-ly" suffix, meaning "in a certain manner," signifies action done with knowledge or awareness. It emphasizes the intentional aspect of an act, suggesting that the individual acted with full understanding and conscious choice.


while knowing the truth or likely result of what you are doing

trong khi biết sự thật hoặc kết quả có thể xảy ra của việc bạn đang làm

  • She was accused of knowingly making a false statement to the police.

    Cô bị buộc tội cố ý khai man với cảnh sát.

Related words and phrases

in a way that shows that you know or understand about something that is supposed to be secret

theo cách đó cho thấy rằng bạn biết hoặc hiểu về điều gì đó được cho là bí mật

  • He glanced at her knowingly.

    Anh liếc nhìn cô đầy hiểu biết.