Definition of strategically


một cách chiến lược


The word "strategically" has its roots in the Greek words "stratos" meaning "army" and "agein" meaning "to lead". The term "strategy" was coined by the ancient Greek military philosopher Sun Tzu in his famous book "The Art of War" around 6th century BC. Initially, it referred to the art of planning and directing military campaigns. The adverbial form "strategically" emerged in the mid-16th century, derived from the Latin "strategicus", meaning "military" or "of strategy". It was first used in English to describe the execution of military plans or tactics. Over time, the term's meaning expanded to encompass non-military contexts, such as business, sports, and even daily life. Today, "strategically" is used to describe deliberate and purposeful actions aimed at achieving specific goals, whether in combat, competition, or personal endeavors.


in a way that is meant to achieve a particular purpose or to gain an advantage

theo cách có nghĩa là đạt được một mục đích cụ thể hoặc để đạt được lợi thế

  • a strategically placed microphone

    một micro được đặt ở vị trí chiến lược

  • to think strategically

    suy nghĩ một cách chiến lược

in a way that is connected with getting an advantage in a war or other military situation

theo cách liên quan đến việc giành được lợi thế trong chiến tranh hoặc tình huống quân sự khác

  • a strategically important target

    một mục tiêu chiến lược quan trọng