Definition of artfully


một cách khéo léo


The word "artfully" has its roots in Old English and Middle English. In Old English, the word "art" referred to skill, craftsmanship, or dexterity, and "fully" was a suffix indicating fully or completely. The word "artfully" emerged in the 15th century, meaning "in a skillful or clever manner" or "with artistic skill." Initially, the word was used to describe actions or performances that required exceptional skill, such as crafting, playing, or painting. Over time, the meaning of "artfully" expanded to encompass various aspects of creativity, including arrangement, presentation, or execution. Today, the word is commonly used to describe something that is done with great skill, subtlety, or flair, often with a tinge of elegance or sophistication.


in a clever or attractive way

một cách thông minh hoặc hấp dẫn

  • an artfully devised plot

    một âm mưu được thiết kế khéo léo

in a clever way that sometimes involves not telling the truth

theo một cách khéo léo đôi khi bao gồm việc không nói sự thật

  • She opened her right hand but artfully concealed the key in her left hand.

    Cô ấy mở tay phải ra nhưng khéo léo giấu chìa khóa vào tay trái.