Definition of silliness


sự ngớ ngẩn


The word "silliness" has its roots in the 15th century. It originated from the Old English words "sill" and "ness," where "sill" meant "shelf" or "brink" and "ness" meant "condition" or "state." In the Middle English period (circa 1100-1500), "silliness" emerged to describe a state of being foolish or frivolous, often connected to a lack of seriousness or sense of responsibility. In essence, the idea behind "silliness" was that someone or something was being as frivolous as a shelf or ledge, which is usually empty or lacking in substance. Over time, the term evolved to encompass a broader range of meanings, including absurdity, foolishness, and even playfulness. Despite its negative connotations, "silliness" is often used to describe things that bring joy and laughter to our lives!


behaviour that shows a lack of thought, understanding or judgement

hành vi cho thấy sự thiếu suy nghĩ, hiểu biết hoặc phán đoán

  • Stop this silliness and get back to work!

    Hãy dừng trò ngớ ngẩn này lại và quay lại làm việc thôi!

Related words and phrases

the fact of being stupid or embarrassing, especially in a way that is more typical of a child than an adult

sự thật là ngu ngốc hoặc xấu hổ, đặc biệt là theo cách điển hình của trẻ em hơn là người lớn

  • Children love the sheer silliness of his poems.

    Trẻ em thích sự ngớ ngẩn trong những bài thơ của ông.

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