Definition of triviality


tầm thường


"Triviality" comes from the Latin "trivium," meaning "three ways" or "crossroads." In medieval times, the trivium referred to the three basic subjects of liberal arts education: grammar, rhetoric, and logic. These subjects were considered foundational and accessible to all, hence the "triviality" associated with them. Over time, the word evolved to refer to anything considered commonplace, unimportant, or lacking in significance, much like how "basic" subjects are often perceived today.


a matter that is not important

một vấn đề không quan trọng

  • I don't want to waste time on trivialities.

    Tôi không muốn lãng phí thời gian vào những chuyện tầm thường.

the state of being unimportant or of dealing with unimportant things

trạng thái không quan trọng hoặc xử lý những điều không quan trọng

  • His speech was one of great triviality.

    Bài phát biểu của ông là một trong những điều tầm thường nhất.