Definition of preposterous


vô lý


The word "preposterous" originated in the late 16th century, derived from the Latin prefix "prae-" meaning "before" or "in front of" and the Latin suffix "-posterus" meaning "standing behind" or "following." Its Latin origins suggest a paradoxical or opposite meaning from its modern English usage. In Latin, "prae-posterus" referred to an ox that was born before its time, literally "before-latter," due to premature birth or twinning. This usage suggests that the animal, being "before" in chronological order, was not fully grown, immature, and therefore "reversed" or "opposite" to the normal sequence. Over time, the word evolved in English, with the meaning transforming from its original medical use to a broader and negative connotation of an absurd or completely illogical statement or idea, unconventional or irrational. By the 18th century, "preposterous" was recorded in English dictionaries, with its modern meaning firmly established. The oxymoronic origin of the word has become largely obsolete, but it provides an insightful perspective on the origins and evolution of language and its capacity for transformation over time.


completely unreasonable, especially in a way that shocks or annoys you

hoàn toàn không hợp lý, đặc biệt là theo cách gây sốc hoặc làm phiền bạn

  • These claims are absolutely preposterous!

    Những tuyên bố này là hoàn toàn vô lý!

  • It’s preposterous to suggest that everything was her fault!

    Thật phi lý khi cho rằng mọi thứ đều là lỗi của cô ấy!

  • The whole idea sounds quite preposterous!

    Toàn bộ ý tưởng nghe có vẻ khá phi lý!

Related words and phrases

unusual in a way that is silly or that shocks you

bất thường theo cách ngớ ngẩn hoặc khiến bạn sốc

  • The band were famous for their preposterous clothes and haircuts.

    Ban nhạc nổi tiếng với những bộ quần áo và kiểu tóc lố bịch.

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