Definition of silkiness


sự mượt mà


The word "silkiness" is derived from the Middle English word "silk", which referred to the soft and smooth texture of silk fabric. The suffix "-ness" was added to form an adjective, describing a quality or state of being similar to silk. In the 15th century, "silkiness" emerged as a literary term to describe the smooth, glossy, and lustrous quality of something, often used to describe the sound or texture of language. In modern usage, "silkiness" can also imply a sense of subtlety, finesse, or elegance, often used to describe a soft, smooth, or velvety texture or quality in various contexts, such as music, art, or even a person's demeanor. Fascinating how language develops, don't you think?


the quality of being soft, smooth and shiny like silk

chất lượng mềm mại, mịn màng và sáng bóng như lụa

  • the silkiness of her hair

    sự mềm mại của mái tóc cô ấy

the quality of being smooth and gentle

chất lượng của sự mịn màng và nhẹ nhàng

  • the silkiness of his voice

    sự mượt mà của giọng nói của anh ấy