Definition of fineness


độ mịn


The word "fineness" has its roots in Old English and Middle English. The term "fine" originally meant "delicate" or "refined", and "fineness" was used to describe the quality of being fine or refined in a particular sense. In the 14th century, the term took on a new meaning, referring to a high degree of excellence or quality. This sense of fineness was often used to describe something that was superior or exceptional, such as "finest wheat" or "finest silk". Over time, the term has evolved to encompass a range of meanings, including delicacy, subtlety, and refinement, but its core sense of excellence or superiority remains.


the quality of being made of thin threads or lines very close together

chất lượng được tạo thành từ những sợi mỏng hoặc những đường thẳng rất gần nhau

  • fineness of detail

    độ tinh xảo của chi tiết

  • Chinese rugs are graded according to the fineness of their knotting.

    Thảm Trung Quốc được phân loại theo độ mịn của nút thắt.

the quality of something

chất lượng của một cái gì đó

  • the fineness of the gold

    độ mịn của vàng