Definition of sherbet




The origins of the word "sherbet" can be traced back to the Middle East, where a similar drink was commonly consumed. The Arabic word for this beverage was "sharāb," which translates to "drink" or "beverage" in English. The spread of this drink across Europe can be attributed to the Crusades, as European soldiers returning from the Holy Land brought back the recipe for a refreshing, iced drink. This drink evolved into what we now know as sherbet, incorporating various flavors and ingredients such as fruit juices, flowers, and sugar. The word "sherbet" in English is derived from the Persian word "sharābet," which is the Persian transliteration of the Arabic "sharāb." The word has also been adopted into other languages such as Turkish, where it is called "şerbet," and Urdu, where it is called "sharbāt." The popularity of sherbet began to decline in the 19th century as French cuisine became all the rage among the aristocracy. However, the drink is still enjoyed in many cultures today, particularly in the Middle East, India, and South Africa. In conclusion, the word "sherbet" has a rich and interesting history, dating back to ancient Arabic and Persian cultures. Its evolution into a variety of dishes and drinks across different regions has resulted in a diverse culinary heritage that is still celebrated and enjoyed today.


a powder that tastes of fruit and fizzes when you put it in your mouth, eaten as a sweet

một loại bột có vị trái cây và sủi bọt khi cho vào miệng, ăn như đồ ngọt

a sweet frozen food made from sugar, water and fruit juice, often eaten as a dessert

một loại thực phẩm đông lạnh ngọt làm từ đường, nước và nước ép trái cây, thường được dùng làm món tráng miệng