Definition of palate


vòm miệng


The word "palate" refers to the roof of our mouths that we use to taste and swallow food. The origin of the word "palate" can be traced back to the Latin language, specifically the Latin word "palatum," which means "roof of the mouth" or "palate." In Old French, the word "palet" was used to mean "palate" or "roof of the mouth," and this French word was adopted by Middle English. By the 14th century, the Middle English word "palet" had evolved into the modern English word "palate." The meaning of "palate" has also evolved over time. In addition to referring to the physical structure in our mouths, "palate" can also be used to refer to an individual's sense of taste or refinement in regards to food and drink. This sense of the word can be traced back to the mid-17th century, when it was first used in this context. Today, the word "palate" is commonly used in the culinary industry, where it is used to describe the characteristics of different foods and drinks in terms of taste and flavor profiles. Overall, the evolution of the word "palate" provides a fascinating insight into the history of the English language and highlights the Importance of taste and flavor in food and drink culture.


the top part of the inside of the mouth

phần trên cùng của bên trong miệng

  • the hard/soft palate (= the hard/soft part at the front/back of the palate)

    vòm miệng cứng/mềm (= phần cứng/mềm ở phía trước/sau vòm miệng)

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the ability to recognize and/or enjoy good food and drink

khả năng nhận biết và/hoặc thưởng thức đồ ăn thức uống ngon

  • a menu to tempt even the most jaded palate (= a person who has eaten too much rich food and become bored of it)

    một thực đơn để cám dỗ ngay cả khẩu vị mệt mỏi nhất (= một người đã ăn quá nhiều thức ăn giàu dinh dưỡng và trở nên chán nó)

Extra examples:
  • Have an apple to cleanse your palate.

    Ăn một quả táo để làm sạch vòm miệng của bạn.

  • She has a discerning palate.

    Cô ấy có một khẩu vị sành điệu.

  • Children do not usually have the sophisticated palate necessary to enjoy such delicate flavours.

    Trẻ em thường không có khẩu vị tinh tế cần thiết để thưởng thức những hương vị tinh tế như vậy.

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