Definition of dessert


món tráng miệng


The word "dessert" comes from the French word "dessert," which means "to serve again" or "to serve over." In Old French, the word "destrer" was used to describe a dish that was served after the main course, typically as a sweet or rich dish. In Middle English, the word "disert" was used to describe a dish that was served after the main course, typically as a sweet or rich dish. The word "disert" was derived from the Old French word "destrer." Over time, the meaning of "dessert" evolved to include any sweet or rich dish that was served after the main course, particularly in the context of formal or special occasions. Today, "dessert" is still used to describe any sweet or rich dish that is served after the main course, particularly in the context of formal or special occasions. In summary, the word "dessert" originated in Old French from the word "destrer," which meant "to serve again" or "to serve over." Its original meaning described a dish that was served after the main course, but its meaning evolved to include any sweet or rich dish that was served after the main course, particularly in the context of formal or special occasions.

  • After the delicious dinner, we indulged in a rich chocolate cake as our dessert.

    Sau bữa tối ngon lành, chúng tôi thưởng thức món bánh sô-cô-la béo ngậy làm món tráng miệng.

  • My favorite dessert is a warm apple pie with vanilla ice cream.

    Món tráng miệng yêu thích của tôi là bánh táo ấm với kem vani.

  • The cheesecake was so creamy and decadent, I couldn't stop eating it as my dessert.

    Bánh phô mai béo ngậy và ngon tuyệt đến nỗi tôi không thể ngừng ăn nó như món tráng miệng.

  • The restaurant's dessert menu had so many tempting options, but I finally decided on a classic New York-style cheesecake.

    Thực đơn tráng miệng của nhà hàng có rất nhiều lựa chọn hấp dẫn, nhưng cuối cùng tôi đã quyết định chọn bánh phô mai kiểu New York cổ điển.

  • The tartness of the lemon bars was the perfect contrast to the sweetness of the berries we had as our dessert.

    Vị chua của thanh chanh tạo nên sự tương phản hoàn hảo với vị ngọt của quả mọng trong món tráng miệng.

  • I had a craving for something sweet, so I ordered a slice of red velvet cake as my dessert.

    Tôi thèm đồ ngọt nên đã gọi một miếng bánh nhung đỏ làm món tráng miệng.

  • The dessert platter included a variety of treats, like tiramisu, crème brûlée, and strawberry shortcake.

    Đĩa tráng miệng bao gồm nhiều loại bánh như tiramisu, crème brûlée và bánh dâu tây.

  • My friend brought over a batch of homemade brownies as her dessert contribution to our party.

    Bạn tôi đã mang theo một mẻ bánh brownie tự làm để làm món tráng miệng cho bữa tiệc của chúng tôi.

  • The creme brulee was simply divine, with a golden crust on top and a rich, creamy interior.

    Món creme brulee thực sự tuyệt vời, với lớp vỏ vàng ươm bên trên và phần nhân kem béo ngậy bên trong.

  • The dessert course was the perfect way to end our meal, with a beautiful display of pastries and sweets.

    Món tráng miệng là cách hoàn hảo để kết thúc bữa ăn của chúng tôi, với những chiếc bánh ngọt và đồ ngọt được bày biện đẹp mắt.

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