Definition of fruity


trái cây


The word "fruity" has its roots in the Old French word "fruit," which ultimately comes from the Latin "fructus," meaning "fruit." While the original meaning referred to the actual produce of plants, the word evolved to encompass a broader meaning of "delicious" or "pleasurable." This is likely due to the association of fruits with sweetness and enjoyment. By the late 19th century, "fruity" began to be used in a slang sense to describe something that was flamboyant or excessively showy, especially in the context of gay men. This usage, though now considered offensive, is part of the word's complex history.


smelling or tasting strongly of fruit

ngửi hoặc nếm mạnh trái cây

  • The wine from this region is rich and fruity.

    Rượu vang từ vùng này rất đậm đà và có hương trái cây.

  • This cheese has a slightly fruity flavour.

    Phô mai này có hương vị hơi trái cây.

deep and pleasant in quality

sâu sắc và dễ chịu về chất lượng

slightly crazy

hơi điên