Definition of sensibly


hợp lý


The word "sensibly" originates from the Middle English word "sensibli," which itself comes from the Old French "sensiblement." This word traces back to the Latin "sensibilis," meaning "perceptible" or "capable of feeling." The core concept of "sensibly" revolves around the idea of being aware of one's surroundings and making decisions based on reason and practicality, much like the concept of being "sensitive" to one's environment. Over time, "sensibly" evolved to encompass the meaning of acting in a reasonable and judicious manner.


in a way that shows the ability to make good judgements based on reason and experience rather than emotion

theo cách thể hiện khả năng đưa ra những đánh giá đúng đắn dựa trên lý trí và kinh nghiệm hơn là cảm xúc

  • to behave sensibly

    cư xử hợp lý

  • He decided, very sensibly, not to drive when he was so tired.

    Anh ấy đã quyết định rất sáng suốt rằng không lái xe khi quá mệt mỏi.

in clothes that are useful rather than fashionable

trong những bộ quần áo hữu ích hơn là thời trang

  • She's always very sensibly dressed.

    Cô ấy luôn ăn mặc rất hợp lý.