Definition of explicitly


rõ ràng


"Explicitly" traces its roots back to the Latin word "explicitus," meaning "unfolded" or "unrolled." This reflects the idea of something being clearly stated, like a scroll being unrolled to reveal its contents. The word "explicitus" was adopted into Middle English as "expliciť," meaning "clear" or "distinct." Over time, the "-ly" suffix was added to create the adverb "explicitly," emphasizing the clear and unambiguous nature of something. Therefore, "explicitly" signifies a manner of communication where the meaning is laid out plainly and without ambiguity.


clearly or directly, so that the meaning is easy to understand

rõ ràng hoặc trực tiếp, để ý nghĩa dễ hiểu

  • The report states explicitly that the system was to blame.

    Báo cáo nêu rõ ràng rằng hệ thống là nguyên nhân.

  • The text does not explicitly mention him by name.

    Văn bản không đề cập rõ ràng đến tên anh ta.

Related words and phrases

with a lot of detail, especially in describing or showing sexual activity

với rất nhiều chi tiết, đặc biệt là trong việc mô tả hoặc hiển thị hoạt động tình dục

  • the explicitly sexual content of the image

    nội dung khiêu dâm rõ ràng của hình ảnh