Definition of cautiously


thận trọng


The word "cautiously" stems from the Latin word "cautus," meaning "careful" or "wary." Over time, "cautus" evolved into the Old French "cautieux," and then into the Middle English "cautious." The "-ly" suffix was added to create the adverb "cautiously" in the 16th century, signifying "in a cautious manner." Thus, the word "cautiously" literally translates to "in a careful and wary way." Its origins reflect the importance of prudence and foresight in navigating life's challenges.


carefully, especially in order to avoid danger, mistakes or risks

cẩn thận, đặc biệt là để tránh nguy hiểm, sai lầm hoặc rủi ro

  • She looked cautiously around and then walked away from the house.

    Cô thận trọng nhìn xung quanh rồi bước ra khỏi nhà.

  • to move/proceed/tread cautiously

    di chuyển/tiến hành/bước đi một cách thận trọng

in a way that recognizes there are still problems to be dealt with

theo cách nhận ra rằng vẫn còn những vấn đề cần giải quyết

  • I'm cautiously optimistic.

    Tôi lạc quan một cách thận trọng.