Definition of wisely


một cách khôn ngoan


The word "wisely" has its roots in Old English. It is derived from the word "wist", which means "to know" or "to be aware", and the suffix "-ly", which forms an adverb. In Middle English (circa 1100-1500), the word "wisely" emerged, meaning "in a wise manner" or "with wisdom". The word has undergone evolution over time, but its core meaning has remained relatively consistent. In modern English, "wisely" is often used to describe actions taken from a position of intelligence, discernment, or prudence. For example, "She wisely decided to save her money" or "He wisely chose to ignore the criticisms". The word continues to be an essential part of the English language, conveying a sense of shrewdness, insight, and sound judgment.


in a way that shows you have a lot of experience and knowledge

theo cách cho thấy bạn có nhiều kinh nghiệm và hiểu biết

  • She nodded wisely.

    Cô gật đầu một cách khôn ngoan.

in a way that shows you have good judgement

theo cách cho thấy bạn có sự phán đoán tốt

  • He wisely decided to tell the truth.

    Ông đã khôn ngoan quyết định nói ra sự thật.