Definition of repulsively


một cách ghê tởm


The word "repulsively" has its roots in the Latin word "repelare," which means "to push back" or "to drive away." This Latin verb is also the source of the English word "repel." Over time, the Latin verb "repelare" evolved into the Middle English word "repulse," which means "to push or drive back" or "to repel." The word "repulsively" was formed as an adverb from the word "repulse," and it means "in a way that causes one to recoil or be repelled." It has been used in English language since the 15th century. The word is used to describe something or someone that causes a sense of disgust, revulsion, or moral distaste. In modern English, the word "repulsively" is often used to describe someone's appearance, behavior, or actions that are considered repulsive, disgusting, or unappealing to others. For example, "The monster's repulsively gruesome appearance made me turn away."

  • The smell in the fridge was repulsively strong and made my eyes water.

    Mùi trong tủ lạnh nồng nặc đến mức khó chịu và làm tôi chảy nước mắt.

  • The old bandages and medical instruments on the hospital bed gave it a repulsively moldy appearance.

    Những miếng băng và dụng cụ y tế cũ trên giường bệnh khiến cho căn phòng có vẻ ngoài mốc meo kinh tởm.

  • The sound of the dying rodent trapped in the walls was repulsively loud and unsettling.

    Âm thanh của loài gặm nhấm hấp hối bị mắc kẹt trong tường thật to và ghê tởm.

  • The texture of the moldy bread was repulsively slimy and repulsively made my stomach turn.

    Kết cấu của ổ bánh mì mốc nhớt nháp đến mức kinh tởm và khiến dạ dày tôi quặn lại.

  • The sight of the scabied patient's skin was repulsively inflamed and rashy.

    Cảnh tượng làn da của bệnh nhân bị ghẻ bị viêm và phát ban một cách ghê tởm.

  • The sound of the nurse arguing with her colleague was repulsively loud and disruptive.

    Tiếng y tá cãi nhau với đồng nghiệp thật ồn ào và khó chịu.

  • The taste of the spoiled food was repulsively foul and nauseating.

    Mùi vị của thức ăn ôi thiu thật khó chịu và buồn nôn.

  • The sight of the decaying flowers was repulsively wilted and putrid.

    Cảnh tượng những bông hoa đang héo úa và thối rữa trông thật kinh tởm.

  • The smell of the rotten vegetables was repulsively odoriferous and overpowering.

    Mùi của rau thối nồng nặc và khó chịu.

  • The appearance of the corroded car parts was repulsively rusted and ambiguous whether they could still be used or not.

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