Definition of repellent


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The word "repellent" originally comes from the Latin root "repellere," which means "to drive back" or "to repel." This root can also be found in other English words, such as "repel" and "repellency." In chemistry, a repellent is a substance that prevents or discourages contact, particularly to protect from unpleasant or dangerous substances. The term is most commonly associated with certain chemicals used in pest control to keep insects or animals away from an area, but it can also refer to other substances used as barriers, such as hand sanitizers to repel bacteria or deodorizers to repel unpleasant odors. Its primary function is to create a defensive barrier, therefore, the word "repellent" can be translated to "rěpelling" in Swahili or similar sounds in other languages that convey the meaning of avoiding contact. In summary, the origin of "repellent" can be traced back to its Latin roots, and its current use is primarily related to its chemical properties and defensive capabilities.


very unpleasant; causing strong dislike

rất khó chịu; gây ra sự không thích mạnh mẽ

  • I found the pictures repellent.

    Tôi thấy những bức ảnh thật phản cảm.

  • Their political ideas are repellent to most people.

    Những ý tưởng chính trị của họ khiến hầu hết mọi người khó chịu.

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not letting a particular substance, especially water, pass through it

không để một chất cụ thể, đặc biệt là nước, đi qua nó

  • water-repellent cloth

    vải không thấm nước

  • mutually repellent substances such as oil and water

    các chất đẩy nhau như dầu và nước

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