Definition of nauseating


buồn nôn


"Nauseating" comes from the Latin word "nausea," meaning "seasickness." This is because seasickness was one of the earliest recognized causes of nausea. Over time, "nausea" evolved to encompass a broader range of feelings of discomfort and illness, and the adjective "nauseating" was added to describe things that induce or resemble nausea. This reflects how our understanding of nausea has broadened beyond its initial association with sea voyages.


making you feel that you want to vomit

làm cho bạn cảm thấy muốn nôn

  • a nauseating smell

    một mùi buồn nôn

  • The smell was simply nauseating.

    Mùi chỉ đơn giản là buồn nôn.

  • He woke to the nauseating smell of burning flesh.

    Anh tỉnh dậy khi ngửi thấy mùi thịt cháy buồn nôn.

making you feel full of horror

khiến bạn cảm thấy đầy kinh hoàng

  • his nauseating behaviour

    hành vi buồn nôn của anh ấy

  • He wrote me a really nauseating letter.

    Anh ấy đã viết cho tôi một lá thư thực sự buồn nôn.

  • It was a nauseating attack on an innocent teenager.

    Đó là một cuộc tấn công kinh tởm vào một thiếu niên vô tội.

  • The man's behaviour had been quite nauseating.

    Hành vi của người đàn ông này khá buồn nôn.

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