Definition of parchment


giấy da


The word "parchment" has a rich history. It originates from the Latin word "parcheminus," which referred to a type of animal skin used for writing. Over time, the term evolved to describe a specific type of parchment made from the skin of sheep or goats, which was used for writing and documentation. The process of making parchment involved dehairing, deliming, and stretching the skin to create a smooth, durable surface for writing. Parchment was widely used in ancient civilizations, including the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, for recording important documents, such as laws, treaties, and literary works. The use of parchment declined with the advent of paper, but it remains an important part of historical and cultural heritage, with many ancient documents and manuscripts still preserved on parchment today.


material made from the skin of a sheep or goat, used in the past for writing on

vật liệu làm từ da cừu hoặc dê, trước đây được dùng để viết

  • parchment scrolls

    cuộn giấy da

  • Her skin felt like parchment (= very dry).

    Da cô ấy giống như giấy da (= rất khô).

a type of thick paper, used for a particular purpose

một loại giấy dày, được sử dụng cho một mục đích cụ thể

  • a sheet of non-stick baking parchment

    một tờ giấy nến chống dính

a document written on a piece of parchment

một tài liệu được viết trên một mảnh giấy da