Definition of overheating


quá nóng


The word "overheating" originates from the early 17th century, derived from the term "overheat," which means to heat something excessively or beyond what is necessary. This term was used figuratively to describe something that is excessively or intemperately hot or passionate. In the late 18th century, the term "overheating" emerged as a noun, specifically referring to the phenomenon of increasing temperatures above a normal or desirable level. This could apply to a range of situations, such as a machine, device, or even a person's emotions. Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, the term "overheating" became more widely used, particularly in fields like engineering, electronics, and medicine, to describe situations where temperatures rise above safe or optimal levels, potentially causing damage or harm. Today, "overheating" is a common term used in various contexts, including technology, climate change, and even human behavior.


the process of becoming too hot or making something become too hot

quá trình trở nên quá nóng hoặc làm cho một cái gì đó trở nên quá nóng

  • The building features light-coloured materials to prevent overheating.

    Tòa nhà được xây dựng bằng vật liệu sáng màu để tránh tình trạng quá nhiệt.

the fact of a country's economy being too active, with rising prices

thực tế là nền kinh tế của một quốc gia đang quá năng động, với giá cả tăng cao

  • The bank is concerned about overheating in the housing market.

    Ngân hàng lo ngại về tình trạng quá nóng của thị trường nhà ở.