Definition of evaporate


bốc hơi


The word "evaporate" originates from the Latin word "evapore" which means "to bubble away." During the Roman Empire, this term was used to describe the process of the surface of a liquid boiling and turning into vapor due to high heat. The Latin term "evapore" is made up of two parts: "e-" which is a prefix meaning "out of," and "vapore" which means "vapor." This Latin root can be seen in many English words related to evaporation, such as "evaporate" (from Latin "evaporatus," past participle of "evaporare"), "evaporation" (from Latin "evaporatio," noun formed from the past participle and "-ion"), and "vapor" (from Latin "vapor," meaning steam or mist). The meaning of "evaporate" has remained consistent since the Roman Empire, describing the process of a liquid changing into a gaseous form due to heat. However, in some contexts, the term has been redefined to include the concept of the liquid's molecules escaping into the atmosphere due to low pressure, as in the case of water leaving coastal locations in a process known as "evapotranspiration." Overall, the term "evaporate" has evolved only slightly since its Latin origin, retaining its root meanings while illustrating the continued relevance of Roman scientific principles to the modern world.


if a liquid evaporates or if something evaporates it, it changes into a gas, especially steam

nếu một chất lỏng bay hơi hoặc nếu một cái gì đó làm bay hơi nó, nó sẽ chuyển thành chất khí, đặc biệt là hơi nước

  • Heat until all the water has evaporated.

    Đun nóng cho đến khi tất cả nước bay hơi.

  • The sun is constantly evaporating the earth's moisture.

    Mặt trời liên tục làm bốc hơi độ ẩm của trái đất.

to disappear, especially by gradually becoming less and less

biến mất, đặc biệt là dần dần trở nên ít hơn và ít hơn

  • Her confidence had now completely evaporated.

    Sự tự tin của cô bây giờ đã hoàn toàn bốc hơi.

  • Their lead in the opinion polls evaporated overnight.

    Vị trí dẫn đầu của họ trong các cuộc thăm dò dư luận đã bốc hơi chỉ sau một đêm.