Definition of no




Definition of undefined

The word "no" has a rich history. It originated from the Old English word "nā", which was derived from the Proto-Indo-European root "*ne", meaning "not". This root also gave rise to the Latin word "ne", the Greek word "οὐ" (ou), and other languages' words for "not". In Old English, "nā" was used as a negative particle to indicate denial or refusal. Over time, the spelling and pronunciation of the word evolved into "no" as we know it today. Despite its simple form, "no" has played a significant role in language, serving as a fundamental part of communication and a cornerstone of human interaction.


used to give a negative reply or statement

được sử dụng để đưa ra một câu trả lời hoặc tuyên bố phủ định

  • Just say yes or no.

    Chỉ cần nói có hoặc không.

  • ‘Are you ready?’ ‘No, I'm not.’

    ‘Bạn đã sẵn sàng chưa?’ ‘Không, tôi chưa.’

  • Sorry, the answer's no.

    Xin lỗi, câu trả lời là không.

  • ‘Another drink?’ ‘No, thanks.’

    “Uống nữa nhé?” “Không, cảm ơn.”

  • It's about 70—no, I'm wrong—80 kilometres from Rome.

    Nó cách Rome khoảng 70—không, tôi nhầm—80 km từ Rome.

  • No! Don't touch it! It's hot.

    KHÔNG! Đừng chạm vào nó! Trời nóng.

  • ‘It was Tony.’ ‘No, you're wrong. It was Ted.’

    ‘Đó là Tony.’ ‘Không, bạn sai rồi. Đó là Ted.”

  • ‘It's not very good, is it?’ ‘No, you're right, it isn't (= I agree).’

    ‘Nó không ngon lắm phải không?’ ‘Không, bạn nói đúng, không phải vậy (= tôi đồng ý).’

used to express shock or surprise at what somebody has said

được sử dụng để thể hiện sự sốc hoặc ngạc nhiên trước điều ai đó đã nói

  • ‘She's had an accident.’ ‘Oh no!’

    ‘Cô ấy gặp tai nạn.’ ‘Ồ không!’

  • ‘I'm leaving!’ ‘No!’

    ‘Tôi đi đây!’ ‘Không!’


not take no for an answer
to refuse to accept that somebody does not want something, will not do something, etc.
  • You're coming and I won't take no for an answer!
  • yes and no
    used when you cannot give a clear answer to a question
  • ‘Are you enjoying it?’ ‘Yes and no.’