Definition of shit


Chết tiệt


The exact origin of the word "shit" is unclear and disputed, and its etymology is shrouded in mystery. However, some linguists and etymologists have proposed plausible explanations based on historical evidence and linguistic comparison. One theory suggests that the word "shit" derives from an Old English term, scitte or scettan, meaning "to divide" or "to separate". This verb may have originated from the Proto-Germanic *skittjan, which denoted the action of splitting or scattering. The connection between "shit" and "dividing" or "separating" seems to be reinforced by some contemporary expressions like "份 помид" (Senda 2013). Another hypothesis traces the word "shit" to the Proto-Indo-European root, skut-, meaning "to push" or "to expel". This root is also found in other Germanic words, such as "skotan" (Old Norse) and "skotte" (Old High German), with similar meanings. The association between "shit" and "pushing" or "expelling" may relate to the physical process of defecation. The evolution of the word "shit" is also influenced by historical context. In Middle English, around the 13th-14th centuries, the word "shitte" appeared with a more explicit connotation than the prefixless "shite". The compound "shire-reeve" further contributed to the formation of the word "shiteryve", meaning "stoolwarden" or "bailiff", according to the Oxford English Dictionary. The evolution of "ship", "shyppe", and "scheap" might have also contributed to the phonetic transformation of "shit" over time. In summary, the origin of the word "shit" may stem from either an Old English verb meaning "to divide" or a Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to push". Its mainstream usage and connotation have undergone changes over time, reflecting cultural attitudes and linguistic shifts. References: - Douglas Harper, "Shit", in "Doug Harper's Etymology Dictionary" (HarperCollinsPublishers, 2020), retrieved from

  • I just stepped in a pile of dog shit on my way to work this morning.

    Tôi vừa dẫm phải một đống phân chó trên đường đi làm sáng nay.

  • The restaurant I ate at last night served some of the worst food I've ever had - it was an absolute shit show.

    Nhà hàng tôi ăn tối qua phục vụ một số món ăn tệ nhất mà tôi từng ăn - thực sự là tệ hại.

  • After the game, the locker room was filled with players cursing and throwing shit around in frustration.

    Sau trận đấu, phòng thay đồ tràn ngập những cầu thủ chửi bới và ném đồ đạc khắp nơi vì tức giận.

  • The meeting was a complete shit show - the boss never seemed to get to the point and everyone left feeling confused.

    Cuộc họp thực sự tệ hại - ông chủ dường như không đi thẳng vào vấn đề và mọi người đều cảm thấy bối rối.

  • The dish I made for dinner turned out to be a complete disaster - it was total shit.

    Món ăn tôi làm cho bữa tối hóa ra lại là một thảm họa thực sự - nó tệ vô cùng.

  • I'm trying to figure out who left this shit all over my desk - it's driving me crazy.

    Tôi đang cố gắng tìm ra kẻ nào đã để thứ này khắp bàn làm việc của tôi - việc này khiến tôi phát điên.

  • The electrician we hired left a mess of wiring and tools all over the place - it was a complete shit show.

    Người thợ điện mà chúng tôi thuê để lại một mớ dây điện và dụng cụ bừa bộn khắp nơi - trông thật tồi tệ.

  • After the party last night, the apartment was filled with empty bottles and littered with shit everywhere.

    Sau bữa tiệc tối qua, căn hộ tràn ngập chai lọ rỗng và rác rưởi khắp nơi.

  • The report the intern compiled was absolutely shit - I'm going to have to do some serious damage control here.

    Báo cáo mà thực tập sinh biên soạn thực sự tệ - Tôi sẽ phải khắc phục hậu quả nghiêm trọng ở đây.

  • I hate dealing with this shit - it's always the most mundane tasks that fall to me.

    Tôi ghét phải giải quyết những chuyện vớ vẩn này - đó luôn là những nhiệm vụ tầm thường nhất mà tôi phải làm.